I wasn't quite certain what to expect out of this session. Omayra, the mother of Yarelis, scheduled this session 2 months ahead! Pressure was put on me because of the importance set upon this appointment. However, when I saw Yarelis, I knew I couldn't go wrong. Her portrait session was for her Quinceanera, a common celebration of a 15 year old latin young la...
Fun with Joseph and Heather
So,...I had absolutely no reason to be nervous the night of Friday. The photo session with Joseph and Heather went excellent! I had so much fun. They are such a fun and loving LOVING couple. I told Heather to pop her leg, and Jo did, too! Such following subjects! What else can I ask for. I hope the next couple I photograph will be just as fun...
Dayvonia Minnis
This portrait session was really an experience. I had a good model with some really interesting poses that created unique photographs. Our time was crunched, but we surprisingly created a really nice amount of beautiful photographs. The session took place in Clark park as well as Downtown Fayettevil...